Win More Freelance Projects with AI-Powered Proposals

Craft compelling, high-efficiency proposals in seconds.

Find projects faster and minimize the stress.

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Can be used on any website. Use on all of them – scale your client flow!

Finding Projects With Zenfl is Easy, Fast and Stress-Free. Spend Less Time on Routine, Focus on Doing the Work You Like

Fill out your profile information. Choose the job. Click "Generate". Apply.


Generate a proposal cover letter in just a few seconds.

No Copy-Paste

Proposal form fields are auto-filled by a Chrome Extension (Optional)


Zenfl carefully matches your skills and advantages with a job description.


Send fewer proposals, win more jobs.


No one will ever think it's written by AI.

In Time

Get notified of new job postings and never miss the right moment.

Gleb Gorokhov's photo

Gleb Gorokhov

Creator of Zenfl

After Nine Years of Freelancing I Couldn't Find a Single Client

Connect with me:

My freelancing journey has been a rollercoaster. With over $200,000 earned on Upwork, Top Rated Plus and Expert-Vetted status, I had built a perfect reputation. However, in April 2023, my contracts dried up. Despite my experience, I couldn't land a single job. I tried everything, but nothing worked. I started to panic.

I realized I needed a new approach. I created a proposal text generator powered by ChatGPT. I learned how to make my prompt work, and finally... things started to improve. After a few interviews, I found a well-paying, long-term client.

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First users will receive a pack of free proposals and an opportunity to become a part of our early testers group.

Gleb Gorokhov's photo